Another year, yet another redesign. If anyone else has been here from the beginning, I think that's five thus far? I'm starting to lose count. We'll be starting fresh just one last time, if that's alright. I apologize for the inconvenience. For everyone else, welcome to my humble dwelling within cyberspace. This is where I document the various ventures I can't help but indulge in as well as my attempts to corral language into ways I like. Updates have historically come few and far between but I've been working to improve that. I hope you enjoy your stay.
Last year was absolutely sensational. My wife and I had a beautifully close wedding with our friends and family, and a thrilling honeymoon revisiting my childhood home in Hawaii. After many, many trips around the nation we decided on a new place to settle down. We bought our first home, and just last week we finished the process of moving everything in. I've been given the opportunity to reflect on another closing chapter of my life, and acknowledge with gratitude the change I was allowed to endure across that time. As I embark upon this coming voyage I'm filled with excitement for the further changes I see coming, and wonder for those which I don't.
For the first time since I can remember I chose to not establish "resolutions" this New Year's. Instead I've shaped "resolves" that I hope to guide me throughout everyday decisions. I believe these will be more effective by not setting goalpost minimums that act as facades for change, but rather evolving the criteria by which I wish to continue growing.
Firstly, I'd like to simply engage more with those around me, whether that in-person or online. Our modern societal conventions encourage avoidance, which is awfully drab in a reality which any conversation can alter the shape of your life. As I take this change in physical environment as a chance to have a greater impact on my local community, so will my presence online hopefully be much more intentional and in-tune with those I wish to connect with. Secondly, as many have trended towards online over the last few months, I'd like to simply build more. I have a terrible habit of drafting sprawling lists that never see past the dust and cobwebs that gather atop of them- this year rather, I desire more concise and achievable notes that leave much of the work in the details. Third, I want to boldly pursue new topics of intrigue by avoiding temptations of busy work of mere bolster. I hope to enrich my hobbies with new knowledge and the courage to push into areas I underestimate myself in.
Additionally I have two minor advices for myself- less sugar, more photos. So many quiet views took my breath away last year that I've rekindled my love for photography, and rediscovered the necessity for bodily health. I'm by no means a calorie counter (yet), but my wife and I have made active changes to better understand the holistic view of everything coming into our bodies in hopes of reaping more energy out of each of us. My last sentiment is an underlying virtue that encompasses everything- more present. Intentional "being" and disciplined behaviors are already making me more aware everyday, which more mindful perceptions and seemingly sharper mental acuity and control.
I hope this journey has been as gorgeous for you all as it has been for me. May each step we take be one that appreciates the trail behind us while blazing our path ahead.